original name |
daily |
url |
original name |
daily |
url |
description file |
description |
Historical daily station observations (temperature, pressure, precipitation, sunshine duration, etc.) for Germany |
original name |
relative_humidity |
description file |
description |
Relative humidity is calculated from air (dry bulb) temperature and dewpoint temperature (whole percent) |
origin unit |
\(\%\) |
SI unit |
\(\%\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}, \leq{100}\) |
original name |
precipitation |
description file |
description |
total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) for past hour; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_3_hour |
description file |
description |
3-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_6_hour |
description file |
description |
6-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_9_hour |
description file |
description |
9-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_12_hour |
description file |
description |
12-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_15_hour |
description file |
description |
15-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_18_hour |
description file |
description |
18-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_21_hour |
description file |
description |
21-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
precipitation_24_hour |
description file |
description |
24-hour total liquid precipitation (rain or melted snow) accumulation from FM12/SYNOP reports; a “T” in the measurement code column indicates a trace amount of precipitation (millimeters) |
origin unit |
\(mm\) |
SI unit |
\(kg / m^2\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
sea_level_pressure |
description file |
description |
Sea level pressure (hectopascals) |
origin unit |
\(hPa\) |
SI unit |
\(Pa\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
station_level_pressure |
description file |
description |
Station pressure (hectopascals) |
origin unit |
\(hPa\) |
SI unit |
\(Pa\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
pressure_3hr_change |
description file |
description |
3-hour pressure change (hectopascals) |
origin unit |
\(hPa\) |
SI unit |
\(Pa\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
altimeter |
description file |
description |
Reduced pressure (hectopascals) |
origin unit |
\(hPa\) |
SI unit |
\(Pa\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
snow_depth |
description file |
description |
depth of snowpack on the ground (centimeters/m) |
origin unit |
\(cm\) |
SI unit |
\(m\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
temperature |
description file |
description |
2 meter (circa) Above Ground Level Air (dry bulb) Temperature (⁰C to tenths) |
origin unit |
\(°C\) |
SI unit |
\(K\) |
original name |
dew_point_temperature |
description file |
description |
Dew Point Temperature (⁰C to tenths) |
origin unit |
\(°C\) |
SI unit |
\(K\) |
original name |
wet_bulb_temperature |
description file |
description |
Wet bulb temperature (⁰C to tenths) |
origin unit |
\(°C\) |
SI unit |
\(K\) |
original name |
visibility |
description file |
description |
horizontal distance at which an object can be seen and identified (kilometers) |
origin unit |
\(km\) |
SI unit |
\(m\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
wind_direction |
description file |
description |
Wind Direction from true north using compass directions (e.g. 360=true north, 180=south, 270=west, etc.). Note: A direction of “000” is given for calm winds. (whole degrees) |
origin unit |
\(°\) |
SI unit |
\(°\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}, \leq{360}\) |
original name |
wind_gust |
description file |
description |
Peak short duration (usually < 20 seconds) wind speed (meters per second) that exceeds the wind_speed average |
origin unit |
\(m/s\) |
SI unit |
\(m/s\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |
original name |
wind_speed |
description file |
description |
Wind speed (meters per second) |
origin unit |
\(m/s\) |
SI unit |
\(m/s\) |
constraints |
\(\geq{0}\) |