Deutscher Wetterdient / German Weather Service
The data as offered by the DWD through wetterdienst
- Historical Weather Observations
Historical (last ~300 years), recent (500 days to yesterday), now (yesterday up to last hour)
every minute to yearly resolution
Time series of stations in Germany
- Mosmix - statistical optimized scalar forecasts extracted from weather models
Point forecast
5400 stations worldwide
Both MOSMIX-L and MOSMIX-S is supported
Up to 115 parameters
- Radar
16 locations in Germany
All of composite, radolan, radvor, sites and radolan_cdc
Radolan: calibrated radar precipitation
Radvor: radar precipitation forecast
For a quick overview of the work of the DWD check the current dwd report (only in german language).
The German Weather Service specified their data as being open though they ask you to reference them as copyright owner. Take a look at the Open Data Strategy at the DWD and the Official Copyright statements before using the data.