This chapter provides an informative overview of the data accessible via the wetterdienst service and the associated usage conditions. wetterdienst facilitates user access to data from various agencies, including the German Weather Service (DWD). While this data is available as open data, users are kindly requested to acknowledge the data source by providing appropriate attribution. We have included links to the respective agencies and their licensing policies for your convenience. Please take a moment to review these resources to ensure that you provide accurate references.
Here’s a quick overview of the data sources currently supported by wetterdienst:
- DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst / German Weather Service / Germany)
- Mosmix - statistical optimized scalar forecasts extracted from weather models
Point forecast
5400 stations worldwide
Both MOSMIX-L and MOSMIX-S is supported
Up to 115 parameters
- DMO - timeseries extracted from weather models
Point forecast
5400 stations worldwide
Up to 115 parameters
- Road Weather Observations
Historical weather observations of German highway stations
- Radar
16 locations in Germany
All of Composite, Radolan, Radvor, Sites and Radolan_CDC
Radolan: calibrated radar precipitation
Radvor: radar precipitation forecast
- ECCC (Environnement et Changement Climatique Canada / Environment and Climate Change Canada / Canada)
- Historical Weather Observations
Historical (last ~180 years)
Hourly, daily, monthly, (annual) resolution
Time series of stations in Canada
- NOAA (National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration / National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration / United States Of America)
- Global Historical Climatology Network
Historical, hourly (ISD) and daily weather observations from around the globe
more then 100k stations
data for weather services which don’t publish data themselves
- WSV (Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes / Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration)
- Pegelonline
data of river network of Germany
coverage of last 30 days
parameters like stage, runoff and more related to rivers
- EA (Environment Agency)
- Hydrology
data of river network of UK
parameters flow and ground water stage
- NWS (NOAA National Weather Service)
- Observation
recent observations (last week) of US weather stations
currently the list of stations is not completely right as we use a diverging source!
- Eaufrance
- Hubeau
data of river network of France (continental)
parameters flow and stage of rivers of last 30 days
- Geosphere (Geosphere Austria, formerly Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics)
- Observation
historical meteorological data of Austrian stations
- IMGW (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management)
- Meteorology
meteorological data of polish weather stations
daily and monthly summaries
- Hydrology
hydrological data of polish river stations
daily and monthly summaries